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1. Bigfoot - Myth Or Reality?
2. Bigfoot - It Always Stays Just Outside the Range of Scientific Proof
3. Sasquatch
4. Does the Sasquatch Exist?
5. Bigfoot Sasquatch And Their Legend - Myth - Cryptozoology

Bigfoot - Myth Or Reality?

The most well known creature and likely the most sought after one in and out of crypto zoological circles has to be Bigfoot also well known as 'Sasquatch". Bigfoot has become a historical legend dating back centuries and is one of the most debated creatures as to its existence. The Sasquatch is alleged to be an ape-like creature inhabiting forest and woodlands, often described as a large and hairy bipedal man like ape. There have been accounts and sighting of this mysterious creature from area's all around the world especially the Pacific Northwestern region of the US and Canada. The name Sasquatch meaning "wild man' comes from an Indian dialect thought to be from the Coast Salish Indian tribe of British Columbia. The more common name for the creature "Bigfoot" is a journalistic term that was generated by the media in the last century and was used because of large foot prints found thought to be linked to the creature.

Bigfoot has been described in many varying accounts from many different area's with some slight variance in exact details. Bigfoot is usually described as an ape like creature standing between 6 and 15 feet tall and weighing in the area of 400-600 pounds covered in brown to reddish tinted hair. The creature is often said to large eyes with a low set forehead and brow ridge , often a common human like facial description is mentioned. The creature is also commonly reported to have a strong and rather unpleasant smell by those who have claimed to get close enough. There have also been tracks linked to the creature of sizes in the range of 24 inches long and 8 inches wide, hence the nickname 'bigfoot".

Sightings and reports of Sasquatch have been around for centuries and have continued to be reported up to present day. Legends of the creature inhabiting area's of the Pacific Northwest go all the way back to the native Indian tribes such as the Salish, Lummi, Klallam, and Samish tribes. Many of these legends show accounts of a creature with very similar features as many of the modern day Bigfoot sightings. More modern sightings of the creature have also offered varying articles for use in trying to document the bigfoot existence such as photo's , film, plaster cast of footprints, even samples of hair thought to used for DNA testing. The Patterson-Gimlin film is perhaps the most well know of any alleged bigfoot footage and still baffles scientist today as to its authenticity. The film shows the creature walking along with "Frame-3523 showing a clear image of a creature fitting the description of Bigfoot. This film has been studied by various scientist and photo experts and has yet to be explained or proven to be a hoax.
There have also been many plaster cast made of alleged bigfoot prints in area's around the world. Many Crypto zoologist point to some of these cast as some of the most important evidence of a Bigfoot existence. Some of the well made cast show proof of a 'push-off mound in mid footprint" and many scientist agree this has value if only for its difficulty in hoaxing because neither fake wood nor rubber faked feet can create this feature. This footprint evidence also offers more interesting facts in the area of comfortable stepping distance for humans which is said to be about half the individual's standing height or a trace more, reported Sasquatch steps are in excess of three feet which can make the argument that these steps would be difficult to impossible to hoax or create artificially by someone wearing fake feet. Many eyewitness sightings of the creature have been reported and many of them coming from area's that are near rivers, lakes, or creeks along with area's with plentiful rainfall totals and many researchers say this points to a pattern of a living species occupying an ecological niche as opposed to all sightings being hoaxes.

Some scientist point out that the described ape-like man known as Bigfoot could actually be "Gigantopithecus". Fossils of this creature have been found in parts of china and its known that many species of animals migrated across the "Bering land bridge" and its not unreasonable that Gigantopithecus could have as well and would account for some bigfoot sightings. Although this hypothesis is generally considered as being entirely speculation as not enough is know about Gigantopithecus to provide an sustainable link. Other simply explain Sasquatch as being a unknown primate existing in the most extreme wilderness areas. Some even attribute the Sasquatch to being a product of UFO's.

Scientist will continue to debate the existence of the Sasquatch and many still consider it a mix of folklore , myth, and simple misidentifications. Most claim these sightings are simply hoax's or embellished accounts from eyewitness's with muddled memories and misinterpretations of what they actually saw. But the Sasquatch has become such a sought after creature that many organizations have been formed to not only research but track and attempt to prove its existence. These groups spend hours upon hours in area's around the world documenting sightings and evaluating all evidence collected. Through out the years the Sasquatch has become the poster creature of many in the Crypto Zoological field.

Is Sasquatch really inhabiting forest and wildlife area's around the world? Is this creature a yet to be discovered primate shying away from humanity? Or is this just a creature built from folklore and myth though out time only existing in the minds of mankind? Many believers await the day when reliable proof can be offered up and the long told story be given an exciting ending.
"The Search Continues"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Bigfoot - It Always Stays Just Outside the Range of Scientific Proof

One of the most widespread and controversial creatures of dubious existence is Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, in reference to a hairy, bipedal hominid being. This being is usually described as 8' to 10' tall, sighted in remote wilderness areas of the United States and Canada, the Great Lakes, the Pacific Northwest, and the Rocky Mountains, mainly over the last 300 years. It is said, that this humanoid creature has been seen in the forests of northeastern New England and the southern United States. Contrary to other monsters, this being is not a single specimen, but researchers have found at least a few thousand of them reported in different places during all the time, including nearby military areas.

There is a slight misconceptions between Bigfoot or Sasquatch, and Yeti, who lives in the Himalayas, and the Abominable Snowman, a Tibetan primate-like popularized by the Western press in 1921 after a visit of the reporter Henry Newman to the Himalayas. However, there is a controversy related to Bigfoot, with some researchers and witnesses claiming that this creature can be found in most countries around the world, but known regionally under various names, otherwise, it is believed that creatures like Yeti, are closely related species.

There are many reports describing a Sasquatch as the American being, but seen in China, Russia, Malaysia, Hawaii., Australia, and even in the mountains of South America. Like the other creatures of cryptozoology studies, scientists reject the possibility of the creature's existence. Unsubstantiated folklore and hoax is usually the verdict given for skeptics, due to the lack of bones, body or other evidence, in addition to the widely divergent descriptions by witnesses. They describe the monster as a 7 to 10 feet tall bipedal creature; this is 2 to 3 meters, but looking like an ape, and sometimes like a man.

It is said that Bigfoot is of a strong build and broad-shouldered, whose body is covered with short shaggy fur or well defined black or dark brown hair, although some other witnesses report the creature having rust, reddish, sandy or silver fur, with large eyes and a pronounced brow.
Recently, some cryptologists claim to have found evidence of the Yeti in the Himalayas, after the bones of a hand were discovered in a Tibetan temple, preserved as relics. This discovery brings back the alleged relationship between Yeti and Bigfoot, in which case if the Yeti exists, Bigfoot should exist as well. In fact, scientists say there is no evidence of such a creature in the United States, but various Native American artifacts has been presented as circumstantial evidence for the existence of Sasquatch, including some dated between 1500 BC to 200 AD, as described in a text from 1877.

Sasquatch is the American Indian name for the "Big Foot" creature that so many people throughout the United States have seen. All scientific data put aside, mostly everyone that has seen a glimpse of Big Foot remembers an odor some described as the smell of rotten eggs or sulphur.
There is a website that describes this and numerous other creatures of Cryptozoology in detail. The website is called: Unknown Creatures, and may be found at this address =>www.unknown-creatures.com
Copyright © 2006

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/


Is there a missing link between the lower primates and man? Reports of sightings of this creature have come from all over the world. Reports of sightings of yeti or the abominable snowman have taken place for years in the Tibetan-Himalayan area. Sightings of the skunk ape that inhabits the everglades of Florida have also been reported for many years. In North America sightings have been reported in almost all areas where there exists the habitat required for bigfoot to make a living. Heavily forested areas of the country are the best bet to find this creature. The northwest portion of the United States contains vast acreage largely untouched by man. Bigfoot prefers areas that are free from the encroachment and activity of man. Sightings mainly occur through accidental encounters between man and bigfoot. Bigfoot is largely nocturnal and it's habits usually consist of the avoidance of man at all costs.

From the Big Thicket in East Texas all the way North encompassing the terrain of the tristate areas of Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas sightings of the animal have continued to be reported. Witnesses have encountered the animal while on outdoor excursions. Some accounts involve clashes between bigfoot and vehicles. Varying reports indicate injuries suffered in these collisions between the animal and man. Reliable sources have indicated that on occasions the animal has reached high speeds while making an attempt to follow moving vehicles. As man continues his encroachment into bigfoots' domain the animal is being forced further back into inaccessible pockets of seclusion.

Do we question the reports and sightings concerning bigfoot? Reliable people have filed reports about sightings of the animal. Police officers and professionals have made claims to have seen the animal. The abundance of claims that are reported lend some type of authenticity to the reports. Individual sightings have been reported by the claims of multiple persons. An incident of two police officers making the same claim while on a camping trip occurred recently. Reports of Bigfoot sightings near human habitations have occurred. Bigfoot supposedly has a fondness for chickens and vegetables left within reach of the animal around human compounds. Reports have surfaced of the animals' attempts to enter structures built by man.
Incidents have occurred that reference the fact that the animals have been observed looking into windows of homes late at night. The animal seems to prefer a safe distance between himself and man. Bad behavior preformed by the animal towards man is considered extremely rare. Hunters and those individuals who invade the living areas of Bigfoot report the most sightings. There are those who have come to recognize the animals' eerie cry. Samples of blood and hair from the animal have been taken to the scientific community to be analyzed and results have confirmed that those same samples are not human or are they from any known animal source. The only conclusion that scientists can arrive at is that the samples given to them for comparison could have only originated from a higher primate source.
Native Americans believe that Bigfoot originates from the spiritual realm and some of them live underground. They are said to possess powers far removed from their human counterparts. Although footprints, impressions, hair and blood have been collected no complete animal has been brought in for scientific scrutiny. There have been still pictures and video of the animal brought to the publics attention. A scientific investigation of the Patterson film concluded that the film was authentic. Video of the creatures' musculature could not have been reproduced artificially by any means known during the time frame that the video was made.
Who is this animal? Is he a figment of an overactive imagination or is he authentic? Research into the worlds' past should be recognized. Have there been animals in the earths' past that have lived and died and in the process become extinct? Anthropologists have uncovered the skeletal remains of ancient creatures that do not exist today. Could Gigantopithecus have escaped extermination and still be living in seclusion with us in the world today? On your next foray into locations that are largely uninhabited by man you can contemplate the possibilities. You might even be the fortunate person to experience an encounter with the elusive hairy man of the wilds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Does the Sasquatch Exist?

Throughout the world there have been legends of huge ape men who live in remote landscapes and are seldom glimpsed by man. Native Americans knew this creature as the Sasquatch, the 'hairy giant' who lived in the forests particularly in the Pacific North West although Florida is home to the 'Skunk Ape' - a Bigfoot creature who resides in the Everglades.
One of the earliest recordings by a European of the Sasquatch was by fur trader and explorer David Thompson in 1811. Thomson was in what is now Jasper, Alberta when he came across the track of a large animal.

He wrote in his journal:
"January 7th continuing our journey in the afternoon we came on the track of a large animal, the snow about six inches deep on the ice; I measured it; four large toes each of four inches in length, to each a short claw; the ball of the foot sunk three inches lower than the toes. The hinder part of the foot did not mark well, the length fourteen inches, by eight inches in breadth, walking from north to south, and having passed about six hours."

Since this first track recording, there have been over 700 footprints attributed to the Sasquatch. They average in length of 15.6 inches and an average width of 7.2 inches. Invariably, the sighting of a Sasquatch is accompanied by a very strong, very foul odor.

There are frequent sightings of the Sasquatch but there is no concrete proof of their existence. There has never been a capture, dead or alive, so it leaves a question mark over the validity of sightings. Experts brought in to look at the footprints do seem to agree that they were caused by an animal of considerable weight although some believe them to be hoaxes.
While we try to prove the existence of the Sasquatch, Native American tribes accept the creature as fact.

The Kootenai tribe of British Columbia see the Sasquatch as a bridge between animal consciousness and human consciousness. Whenever he appears the tribe know there is a message being conveyed for them. They also view the Sasquatch as a living, breathing creature who lives in nature. This is unlike the Lakota who believe it's a supernatural being who can travel into this world at will.

The Athapaskan tribe of Alaska believe a sighting of the Sasquatch is a message to get back in tune with Mother Earth. For this tribe, he seems to appear at troubling times when a change is needed. This is true also of the Hopi people. They see the Sasquatch as a messenger from the Creator, with their appearance as a sign to humankind of the upset and unbalance of existence. It's a warning to us to clean up our act or face the consequences of our actions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Bigfoot Sasquatch And Their Legend - Myth - Cryptozoology

In the wilds of western Canada and the United States lives a wild man of the woods. This wild man is supposed to be as tall as 10 or 12 feet, although more commonly they are 6 to 8 feet tall. They are covered in long shaggy hair which, out of modesty, covers their bodies. Unfortunately, they seem to be unfamiliar with personal hygiene and it has been told that they stink; it's a smell worse than what emanates from old Uncle Albert.
In Canada this beast is known as Sasquatch, while in the States he is called Bigfoot, due to the size of the footprints he has left. I'm glad it's only footprints he has left otherwise I would hate to think of what he might have been called.

Most serious scientists refuse to even give this creature a second thought. They believe he is a character of myth and legend. They ignore the footprints as hoaxes perpetrated by bored mountain folk with no television to keep them entertained. There are hair samples that have been examined but they are unconvincing to scientists because they seem to come from known animals. Lastly, there are tapes of the big guy screeching in the night. Could these sounds have faked as well? I think if I had a nail gun driven into my foot I could make some ungodly sounds too.

There are a lot of sightings of this creature every year by seemingly reputable people. These sightings have gone back to times before Europeans arrived in the New World. Natives, for the most part, were in fear of the giant who ran around the woods naked, and who can blame them? I'd be afraid of naked men running around in my neighborhood!

The biggest question asked by serious scientists is, "Why has there been no body found." I guess they are thinking of Sasquatch road kill. So the believers simply suggest that science rarely finds the body of a bear or other large animal that has died of natural causes in the forest. There are so many little bugs and critters just waiting for their next tasty bear meal to come crashing to the forest floor the result of a heart attack. These critters could devour a bear in a matter of days. Besides maybe Bigfoot has the intellect to carry away their fallen Bigfoot brothers and honor their lives in a Bigfoot burial ceremony, with a large funeral pyre lighting the night sky. Or maybe they just get eaten by all those hungry bugs and critters.

The believers in Sasquatch have even suggested that the big guy is already known to science through the fossil record. Gigantopithecus blacki is the fossil of choice. Some of these folks would suggest that G. Blacki found its way from Asia to America as other animals had and they have only gone extinct in those areas which are easily accessible to scientific researchers. But G. Blacki lives on in the wilds of western Canada and the U.S. or so the believers would have you believe.

So take a trip yourself to the Pacific Northwest and see if you can find Bigfoot.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/


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